Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Online Safety

     On October 16, 2012, a Milan Highschool student named Anthony, was arrested for giving threats about blowing up the school. He was posting things on facebook about blowing up the new part of the school and how he wants to walk away with the flames of the school behind him. Anthony was charged with using a computer to convey his bomb threats. He was thrown in jail for these threats and and couldn't get money for bail.
     I do think that threats like these should be taken serious because there are some people out there that will try and go through with their threats. Anthony may not have even had anything to blow up the school, but other people in highschool will actually try and hurt someone or kill other students in the school. It's always better to be catious and stop the threats before someting bad actually does happen. I also do think that Anthony should be punished. It's nothing to joke about when someone wants to harm others around them. Situations like this could actually happen and it's not funny to post things like that even if he was joking. Since he was being serious than he deserves to get punished for it. A fair punishment for him would be time in jail and after that the court should make him go to therapy or maybe even anger management if that's the case.

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